full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jamila Raqib: The secret to effective nonviolent resistance

Unscramble the Blue Letters

This is an example of just one act of defiance in just one city. But what if it was carotdoiend with the dozens of other acts of nonviolent resistance that have taken place against ISIS? What if the parents' boycott was part of a larger strategy to identify and cut off the rceursoes that ISIS needs to function; the skilled labor nedeed to produce food; the engineers needed to ertaxct and refine oil; the media infrastructure and communications nowrtkes and transportation systems, and the local businesses that ISIS releis on? It may be difficult to imagine defeating ISIS with action that is nnloenovit. But it's time we challenge the way we think about conflict and the choices we have in facing it.

Open Cloze

This is an example of just one act of defiance in just one city. But what if it was ___________ with the dozens of other acts of nonviolent resistance that have taken place against ISIS? What if the parents' boycott was part of a larger strategy to identify and cut off the _________ that ISIS needs to function; the skilled labor ______ to produce food; the engineers needed to _______ and refine oil; the media infrastructure and communications ________ and transportation systems, and the local businesses that ISIS ______ on? It may be difficult to imagine defeating ISIS with action that is __________. But it's time we challenge the way we think about conflict and the choices we have in facing it.


  1. extract
  2. networks
  3. coordinated
  4. relies
  5. nonviolent
  6. resources
  7. needed

Original Text

This is an example of just one act of defiance in just one city. But what if it was coordinated with the dozens of other acts of nonviolent resistance that have taken place against ISIS? What if the parents' boycott was part of a larger strategy to identify and cut off the resources that ISIS needs to function; the skilled labor needed to produce food; the engineers needed to extract and refine oil; the media infrastructure and communications networks and transportation systems, and the local businesses that ISIS relies on? It may be difficult to imagine defeating ISIS with action that is nonviolent. But it's time we challenge the way we think about conflict and the choices we have in facing it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
nonviolent struggle 7
nonviolent action 6
larger strategy 2

Important Words

  1. act
  2. action
  3. acts
  4. boycott
  5. businesses
  6. challenge
  7. choices
  8. city
  9. communications
  10. conflict
  11. coordinated
  12. cut
  13. defeating
  14. defiance
  15. difficult
  16. dozens
  17. engineers
  18. extract
  19. facing
  20. identify
  21. imagine
  22. infrastructure
  23. isis
  24. labor
  25. larger
  26. local
  27. media
  28. needed
  29. networks
  30. nonviolent
  31. part
  32. place
  33. produce
  34. refine
  35. relies
  36. resistance
  37. resources
  38. skilled
  39. strategy
  40. systems
  41. time
  42. transportation